Thursday, May 23, 2013

Traffic Ticket Lawyers

Fighting Traffic Tickets

With all the other problems in the world today, no one needs a traffic ticket. Traffic tickets are much more than simple inconveniences. Depending on what the police officer is charging the offender with, that person could end up with fines, driving school time, and points on his or her license. Points on a driver’s license can cause a person to have to pay astronomical prices for car insurance. Because of the weight of hassle that these citations bring, it might be necessary to hire an attorney. An attorney can help in fighting traffic tickets so the client can save money and embarrassment.

Types of Traffic Tickets

There are two types of traffic violations: civil violations and criminal violations. Civil violations are those that do not result in jail time. An example of a civil violation is a seat belt violation. Although seat belt violations do not add points to a person’s license, they still can cause trouble. New insurance policy rates can still rise from this offense. Therefore, anyone receiving a citation would want to hire someone for fighting traffic tickets.

A criminal violation is a much more serious violation. A criminal violation is an offense such as a DUI or reckless driving that results in an accident. These violations carry hefty fines, multiple points, and sometimes jail time. An attorney can work on the defendant’s behalf to find a way out of the mess. He or she can engage in fighting traffic tickets and defending the person on the criminal aspect of the ticket.

What an Attorney Can Do

A person being charged with a traffic violation has three choices. He or she can pay the fine, which is admitting guilt. For admitting guilt, that person will receive immediate points on the license and less money in the pocket. The defendant can also choose to go to court alone and try fighting traffic tickets himself or herself. This is not recommended because the arresting officer will be present in most cases. Therefore, the defendant will have to try to argue a case against the police officer’s word. Most times the judge will side with the police officer.

The third option is hiring an attorney for fighting traffic tickets and otherwise presenting a defense. In the case of drunk driving, the lawyer can ask to see proof that the driver was drunk. He will question the police officer and may find a hole in the story or missing breathalyzer results. In a case of running a red light, a lawyer may be able to ask for a video tape of the offense. Any time the officer cannot submit evidence, the defendant has a good chance of getting off.

There are many other ways an attorney can make fighting traffic tickets successful. A lawyer has experience with hundreds of cases of this type. This person will know how to get the client freed.

How to Get an Attorney for Fighting Traffic Tickets

Anyone in need of an attorney for fighting traffic tickets can contact KS law for assistance. Someone from this firm can protect your driving rights and your reputation. Fighting traffic tickets may be necessary for your sanity. KS law can win so you can feel safe.


  1. Hire a DUI lawyer to defend your criminal violations like DUI especially if manslaughter is involve. A serious case that need solution to your traffic violation.

    Joseph @ DUI lawyers

    Sydney Drink Driving & DUI Lawyers | Beazley Singleton Solicitors
    14/370 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000
    (02) 9283 8622

  2. Many legal firm is giving the traffic ticket defense service...but I really like to hire the DUI Lawyer Miami because of they are perfectly professional in this field...I remembered about them through your wonderful informative blog post...thanks..!
